Hip-Hop Studies
An International Bibliography and Resource Guide
By John Gray
Price: $150.00
Binding: Cloth
ISBN: 9780984413461
1136 pages
African Diaspora Press
Pub. Date: September 2016
Music -- Popular
Dance -- Popular
Popular Culture
Youth Studies
Ethnic Studies
SERIES TITLE: Black Music Reference Series
This remarkable new study provides the first comprehensive overview of the burgeoning field of Hip-Hop Studies and its enormous literature. Comprised of more than 7000 entries it encompasses both the early journalistic and popular writing on the subject as well as the wealth of scholarship that has emerged since the mid-1990s. The book’s main focus is on three of hip-hop’s most important facets—MCing, Djing and dance—along with a variety of related dance music styles, e.g., house, techno, and reggaeton. Highlights include the work’s in-depth topical and regional coverage which documents hip-hop’s history and evolution, both at home and abroad, as well as its enormous biographical section which covers almost 1900 individual MCs, DJs, dancers, record producers, and others.
Entries in Hip-Hop Studies span from the first reports on the then nascent idiom in 1978 to the most recent digital scholarship of 2014 in fields ranging from history, anthropology, and sociology to Black and ethnic studies, gender studies, religious studies, law and economics. The book concludes with an extensive reference section that offers a list of Sources Consulted, a guide to relevant Libraries and Archives, two appendices, and separate Author and Subject Indexes. An essential resource for all academic and large public libraries.
JOHN GRAY is a veteran independent scholar specializing in the expressive arts and culture of Africa and the African Diaspora. His previous publications include Carnival, Calypso and Steel Pan; Afro-Brazilian Music; Afro-Cuban Music; Jamaican Popular Music; From Vodou to Zouk; African Music; Fire Music; and Blacks in Classical Music. His work Baila! A Bibliographic Guide to Afro-Latin Dance Musics from Mambo to Salsa, was the recipient of the 2015 Vincent H. Duckles Award (for best book-length bibliography or reference work published in 2013) from the Music Library Association.
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